Why Toltec Shamanism
Why Toltec Shamanism? Because a practice of the processes and methods presented in A Course In Shamanism provides new perspectives for you. Nurturing perspectives can change your life dramatically for the better. But you can’t do that, until you are presented with them.
Case in point. Years ago I was working with an inmate named Jim. During an unusual lull in the work, I was sitting next to him and got a chance to ask him what happened. He said he used to go to a bar day after day, and this one guy always busted his chops for no reason. After a few years he just could not stand it anymore, and so Jim walked into the bar one day and killed him. I looked at Jim, and thought for a moment, then asked him “Jim, why didn’t you just go to a different bar?” His eyes grew wide as he absorbed what I said, realizing that his whole life would be different if only he had been informed about that perspective in advance.
We are all Jims in some way. We want to gain more health, wealth, or happiness in whatever way we resonate with, but without some introduction of a new, nurturing perspective, all we are left with is the way we have always done it, which will only ever get us to where we are right now. And right now might be great, but as humans, we always want more good in our lives.
The one foundational ‘good in our lives’ key is The Loving Process© which is provided on the site gratis. It is so useful and the effects of doing it consistently so profound, I could not in good conscience limit who might receive it. The invitation is to do it every day, until you are successful in getting what you want. With success being defined as however you define it. And then? Keep on opening up doors for yourself, with the invitation being to do it as much of your time as you can. I do The Loving Process© a hundred times a day. It’s so ingrained in my behavior now, that it simply comes as an energetic feeling of immersive self-love, not even needing the words anymore.
Because it’s our own permission to have in our lives, that is the most important request you can ever make, regardless of what it is you desire to accomplish or have. And that begins with the journey within. The Loving Process© simply supports you in writing the permission slip from yourself, to access all of your personal power. And you have an enormous capability already!
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With Love and Light, Tom