My Gift To You:

The Loving Process© for Free

 "God doesn't have to change so that Source can finally notice us. It's we who have to change so that we can see the Infinite within us. No matter how many times, or in how many ways, we seek out the solution that will unlock how to do that, the solution will always remain the same. Love is the answer."

About The Loving Process©

In all of life, there is only one primary process at the root cause of every positive and abundant manifestation in our lives. It's called The Loving Process. To those who are of practical mindsets, this truth does not mean that this is all there is to do, but rather, that doing this process successfully in some way has always been the root cause of everything good and abundant in our lives.

This process - if it is your choice to be increasingly more abundant in all things good - needs to be done daily.

Doing The Loving Process thoroughly once a day will yield enough miracles that you just might feel like doing it more than once a day. In fact, you just might feel like doing it any time you can.

The Loving Process is chapter 6 in my book, BE BAD! Do Good! How To Get What You Want In Spite Of Yourself!

Time for us to be BAD! and Banish All Disdain!