Today’s World


It’s true, it’s a fast paced world with a huge amount of information to digest if you want to stay informed for your own well-being. There is one method that works well for interpreting any data you receive. It’s the ‘focus on the results’ method. This is where instead of trying to predict what’s going to happen, or interpret why something is happening, what people’s motivations are and so on, you simply look at the results of what happened and then from there you can reliably know the purpose of the events you got information on.

                Who profited from the event? Who was harmed? What changed as a result of the event? What group benefitted the most? Who is trying to cover up what happened? These are all results oriented questions, because once we find out about something, usually it’s too late to avert it. At that time there is only the option of deciding how to best deal with the results. You can’t control people, what they do, whether they tell the truth, lie, or are cruel. It’s impossible to do that with laws, religions, or mandates. What you can do, however, if you want to live in a more and more peaceful world, is to radiate unconditional love. And it doesn’t have to be ‘for everybody’ it can be just for yourself. You glow, and you know, that you go and sow, a better world. You just do. For everyone.

                Generating unconditional love for yourself has the greatest statistical advantage for having the loving world you want to live in, actually be that way. Will it always work the way you want or envision it to work? Does anything ever do that? Yet out of practicing The Loving Process© over, and over, and over, again, what happens is that you start to make more nurturing choices without a huge amount of effort. Even to the point where what you do and where you go, both become natural and nurturing choices, and less of a strain on your overall health. How so? It’s like taking a fork in the road. You can go either left, or right. On the right is drama and stress. On the left is a blissful nice day. You think you don’t know somewhere inside the God who you are, which direction leads to what result? You always do.

                And that’s the point. God is unconditional love, and the more of your time on Earth you access your already existing God Self which is the direct experience of unconditional love, for anything, including yourself, the more deliberately informed as to which fork to go down you become. Choices become more natural and nurturing in this way. We are challenged with hundreds of choices each and every day. Imagine if by some miracle, you began to make those choices based on a heart decision that is only interested in your inner peace, and well-being. Sounds like you would be living in quite a different world now, doesn’t it? Well, you would be. After a while of practicing generating unconditional love for yourself, through the practice of The Loving Process© this is exactly what happens more and more of the time. Your time. The most important time there is.

                All of the time? Well, I don’t know anyone who does that. But as far as having a greater ‘statistical advantage’ for inner peace, and a world that is loving and aligned with my well-being, more and more of the time sounds great to me! And I imagine it would sound this way to you as well.

                Because after all, you do love yourself unconditionally already. Now may be a great time to bring that experience to the forefront for your well-being and inner peace. What power you have.

                Tom Wright A Course In Shamanism.

Thomas Wright

I facilitate healings. I have been able to see energy in people’s bodies since I was a child, and use this gift to ask Source to provide the means for people to heal. I don’t do anything, Source does it all. Clients borrow my confidence for healing, because I have seen everything, everything, be healed, in over 50K healings.

Healing The Illusion Of Wholeness

