We have all heard of unconditional love. It is without question, the most powerful energy that it is possible for a human being to generate for the purposes of in-the-world real results such as healing, satisfaction, and all manner of material and spiritual abundance. For themselves, and for others.
Yet few experience it simply because we have not really been taught what unconditional love actually is. It’s messy, uncomfortable, and exceedingly hard to effuse out from our inner being, which is the only place it can come from, let alone transmitting unconditional love to others. The world is full of judgements and criticisms, none of which support any one of us in being unconditionally loving. Without condition is something that will be repeated throughout this work because that’s exactly what unconditional love is. Without condition.
And then there are the myriad ‘but, but, buts….’ and that would warrant a huge amount of ‘nopes.’ But what about what they said, what they did, what happened, but what about this and what about that. Or our self-judgement, ‘what about what I did, I thought, I felt.’ Nope! Nope to every one of them. It’s unconditional. Remember that just because you unconditionally love yourself, it does not mean that you ‘approve’ of those things that do not nurture yourself or other people around you, or anyone else for that matter. Generating unconditional love does not make you blind. What it does instead is, it allows you to see. To see that any energy judging what has already happened, that you have no control over, since it has already happened, is a waste of energy. Whether external, or internal. And there are certainly things to do that would help heal and support those affected by any actions, be they war or words of anger, from you or anyone else. With the point being that only someone who is immersed within their own generation of unconditional love would correctly feel what the best actions for everyone’s well-being would be. And so unconditional love is really a win/win paradigm.
There is no ‘but’ to unconditional love, because it’s……..without conditions. Our automatic reliance on automatic judgement, an ingrained system that comes from the societal energy called Mind, is so pervasive, constant, and overwhelming, it is very difficult to even see we are doing it at times because it feels so familiar. Yet it only feels familiar because we have been doing it for so long. Just because something feels familiar in no way means that it also right though. Look at all the abuse the familiar internal dialog you have has levied against your own well-being over the years, with doubt, uncertainty, and fear. All of which invite lack, dis-ease, and depression into any one of our lives. Certainly that automatic system of judgement is not right for furthering the human race into more peace.
Or more health, wealth, and satisfaction. And so, understanding what unconditional love really is, and then doing our best to practice it, is an intensely personal act of grace, even though the effect of doing so spills out into the world around us that we perceive. Be forewarned. We are all doing the best we can to generate internal unconditional love. There is no ‘better’ practitioner, only the practitioners we have. This is not a race. There is no ‘end game’ save a total immersion into the power and presence of your own energy of unconditional love in the exact single now moment we are in, and that is it. That is when you are at your maximum power, plenty, and peace. When you and all of you, are right here, here and now. Because the goodness of the world really is all about you.
Love and Light, Tom Wright A Course In Shamanism